Enseignements Master 1
The objective of this course is to initiate the students to the toolkits used by the economists to analyze competition. First, the central role of market power is emphasized and its principal origins discussed (product differentiation, advertising and consumer inertia). The main consequences of market power are thus analyzed: price discrimination, quality discrimination, tying and bundling. Second, the strategic interactions between firms are deeply characterized. Are more particularly studied horizontal agreements between competitive firms, horizontal mergers & acquisitions, vertical restrictions, predation and Research & Development.
This course provides an introduction to contemporaneous Law & Economics, with a specific focus on three main themes in the field, that allows a more consistent treatment of each subject. Starting from case studies, it uses basic tools of microeconomics and game theory in order to reveal the basic structure of the incentives created by law; in turn, it highlights how the rule of law could be designed to be more efficient. A specific focus is made on the economics of dispute resolution and litigation, tort law and liability rules, and law enforcement and criminality.
This course trains students to (1) master the key concepts of econometric modelling and estimation, either for prediction or for causal inference ; (2) select the appropriate models and estimators depending on the context, data, question ; (3) apply the selected methods on actual data using the Stata software. Such skills are a prerequisite to conduct empirical research in the social sciences, and are increasingly valuable on the job market to gather sound information from raw data
This course trains students to (1) master two leading econometric softwares ; (2) conduct replicable statistical and econometric analyses ; (3) extract information from large amounts of data. Such skills are a prerequisite to conduct empirical research in the social sciences, and are increasingly valuable on the job market to gather sound information from raw data.
Game theory
The course « Game Theory » extends standard microeconomic results introducing the concepts of strategic interactions and of coalitions between individuals. Theoretical concepts are systematically illustrated by concrete cases to stress how the concepts of game theory are likely to help us understanding main economic situations.
This course provides an introduction to the design and enforcement of sectoral regulation and competition policy. We cover topics ranging from anticompetitive practices, horizontal agreements, mergers and state aid to monopoly regulation, market deregulation and sector-specific regulation. The theoretical part (lectures) builds on previous industrial organization courses to provide the basics economic tools for competitive effects market analysis. Tutorials allow the practical application of theory by means of case studies (team work).
Every rule in order to be effective needs to be properly enforced. Accordingly, in the last two decades scholarship has started to study the role of the judiciary also from an economic perspective.Students will be introduced to the literature on the following topics:legal origins and judicial enforcement, judicial performance, impact of judiciary on economy, the models considering judges as utility maximizers, judicial incentives and decision.
Economics of Digital Markets and Privacy
The course will provide economic tools for the understanding of digital economics, as well as basic insight into how the digital economy impacts markets, market organization and society. Students will learn to identify and analyze business models for digital platforms, and perform economic analysis of network markets for the purpose of public policies (antitrust, regulation and data protection).
Enseignements master 2
Séminaire Law & Economics
Séminaire en Anglais
La problématique de l’accès à la justice (incitations, valeur sociale versus
valeur privée). L’analyse économique des litiges : information complète (négociations, utilisation stratégique des coûts légaux, comportements de rent seeking
). L’analyse économique des litiges : information incomplète (analyse optimiste, analyse stratégique). La régulation économique de l’accès à la justice (régulation par les coûts, découplage, l’offre alternative de justice).
Aspects empiriques.
Séminaire European Competition Policy
Students will acquire the relevant economic reasoning and methodology that are necessary for the comprehension of the enforcement of European competition policy by the European Commission. They will learn to perform competitive effects analysis of the business practices and market changes, and critically discuss the application of competition law by competition agencies and courts of law.
Séminaire Methods for Impact Evaluation of Public Policies
This course trains students to (1) identify the key methodological challenges to answer causal questions ; (2) set-up a research design to estimate credible causal effects ; (3) implement such a design econometrically using the Stata software. Such skills are now standard in empirical research in social sciences, and are increasingly valuable on the job market to make informed decisions at all stages of the business process.
Séminaire E-justice and bigdatA
Séminaire en anglais
Les compétences visées sont donc : (1) la maîtrise de l’analyse micro-économétrique des données sur la justice, (2) l’approfondissement des logiciels statistiques (STATA et R) dans le domaine des bases de données judiciaires et (3) la compréhension du fonctionnement de logiciel de analyse du texte et de machine learning.
Atelier de l’expertise publique
Ce cours est dédié à l’analyse Law & Economics appliquée, et s’intéresse à ses dimensions pratiques. Les étudiants ont la possibilité de travailler sur des cas concrets sous la direction d’experts de l’administration et d’institutions publiques, qui partagent leur propre expérience sur des cas similaires auxquels ils ont été confrontés ou qu’ils ont eu à expertiser, dans le domaine de droit de la concurrence, des litiges, de la compliance etc.
Parmi les experts venus régulièrement animer l‘atelier dans les années passées, notons Étienne Pfister (Economiste-chef à l’Autorité de la Concurrence) et Julien Pramil (service statistique du Ministère de l’Intérieur).
Games, Negotiations, and Cooperation
The objective of the course is three-fold. First, it offers a large panorama of the most important concepts introduced by game theory in order to analyze strategic interactions. Second, it discusses the main insights of the theoretical models of negotiation. Third, it provides applications to various domains by using different methodologies (theory, empirics and experiments).